Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jumping Out of My Skin

Today's Weight: 281 pounds

Today is day four of ketosis in my induction phase of Atkins, and I'm feeling better, although I'm still not fully capable of rational thinking. I feel like putting head through a window. Keeping my head from windows will be the order of the day.

I'll work on staying busy with perhaps a nice, long walk to keep me from losing it. I'm actually okay I think, but this transition phase to fat fuel is wild.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Third Day of Induction

Today's Weight: 282 pounds

I'm now in my third day of Atkins induction and feeling a bit confused, grouchy, motivated, anxious, unfocused, yet still stable. Good news is that I'm back down to my lowest weight of the year, and hope that this phase will really set me off to some excellent weight loss.

I also got in 28 minutes of weightlifting this morning, which was a bit of an adjustment due to my body going through this change. Once I get a week behind me, I should be feeling great. I just want my ass to shrink. That's all.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Starting Atkins Induction

After getting down to 282 being a wheat free eater, I caved last Saturday and began eating wheat again, and thus today, I am at 288. I cannot have this. So instead of going back to a wheat free lifestyle, I'm going to full board and am starting Atkins induction. I have to get back to losing again, and this should jump start me to a good and steady decline.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Eight Pounds Lost in Ten Days

Today's weight: 286 pounds
Yesterday's Calories: 2750
Yesterday's Net Carbs: 132
Yesterday's Steps: 2027

Today is day four without any wheat products, and although it has been an adjustment, I've lost four pounds in four days, so I AIN'T COMPLAININ'. I'm not sure how long this will last, but I feel strong and will continue now for the month of April to see how much I can lose while staying away from wheat.

I'm also at my low for the year, down 11 pounds now from my year's high of 297. And in fact, I've dropped eight pounds in ten days since I restarted my dieting madness. Yes. I attribute this now to lowering my carbs, giving up wheat, and exercising moderately.

My goals this month are to lower my net carbs to below 100, get up my walking, work out with weights, and staying away from wheat.