Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Small Step - Small Success

I've always heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit so with that in mind I'm utilizing this strategy in my own personal weight loss goal.  In my lifetime I've concluded that it's easy to create a new habit, but keeping up on it has been my downfall.  I always end up quitting and falling back into that old lifestyle that keeps me from really rising to new success. 

So for the time being, I'll take this three week strategy, complete it, and then create the next 21 day habit.  On February 7th, I began my first attempt at this and completed it on the 28th.  Here are the results.

  • Lost 8 pounds - drop from 272 to 264
  • 21 days wheat-free
  • Began four day/week weightlifting program
  • Kept net carbs to less than 20% of total calories

  • Enjoyed  M & M Peanut candy
  • Made one visit to KFC for a grilled Double Down
Overall this was a great short term success but  nothing to brag about.   You may ask why I'm not giving up other grains, and my answer to that is that my weakness has always been breads, pastries, cookies, donuts, etc.  By eliminating wheat, I eliminate my biggest eating pitfalls.   If I begin to have problems with sodas, HFCS, rice, corn, oats, potatoes, then I'll move to remove those, but for now I've been able to eliminate most of my cravings by just giving up wheat.

Was this easy?  No!  For the first week I real had issues, but after that, my body adjusted and my cravings  waned.  Going to IHOP was a real challenge, but I made do with the Caesar salad sans the croutons.  I  now feel great without any real urges to binge.  So far so good.

Yesterday I started my next 21 day plan.  Here's what I'll add to this:

Jump rope 3-4 times per week
Eat higher quality foods
Eat more veggies
Eliminate M & M's and all candy.

Other than that I'm continuing my low carb, wheat-free lifestyle, focusing on weights, adding in some aerobics, and fine tuning my eating.  Keep up the good fight.

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